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Turntable Tuesday – Nato Caliph

16 Aug

Happy Tuesday Blogger Babies!!!!

It’s Turntable Tuesday, and I have a GREAT treat for you…  Nato Caliph, a REAL emcee from St. Louis. His smooth voice lured me in and his deep lyrics kept me listening, it was an eargasm from the start. I think this might be one of my favorite stumble upons to date. Here’s what Nato Caliph had to say…… (I hope you like)

How you got started:  When I heard Rakim’s “Microphone Fiend,” I knew then, that I wanted to be an emcee.  But it wasn’t until a few years later, that I started out spitting poetry I had written at school, over my mothers cd singles with the instrumentals on them.  From there, I just kept writing.  Everyday, over even more complex beat patterns until I got my first real beat.  The rest, as they say, is history.

Why you keep going: My family, but also because I know that I have my own niche within the Hip Hop Universe.  I often ask myself if there is another “me” out there already, and I keep coming up with no one.  So that becomes/maintains my fuel as a man first, and writer/emcee 2nd, to keep going.

Who/What inspires you:  My family (immediate, and non-immediate), my community, St. Louis, U-City, people, struggle, achievement, failure, life, my peers (artist, and non-artist), my friends, the news, movies, and books.  Pretty much anything in society that has not been touched on enough.  My goal through my music is to bring about awareness, whether its for ones own self, or a group(s) of people.

What projects are you currently working on:  The “Force Majeure'” (EP), which is a collaborative effort between myself and Black Spade aka Stoney Rock.  Besides music, more videos, the “Doorway to The Force” tour coming in Oct., and I just launched my website www.natocaliph.com

For more on Nato Caliph, please visit one of these social networks.




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