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The Help

3 Sep

I went to see “The Help” today, and my heart was so full by the end. Such a deeply human story filled with humor and heartbreak. The rawness of the characters and the stories they shared was a like breathing new air. To be in that era and to go through those challenges, is such a hard concept for most of us; but it is so important to realize how far we’ve come since then, and how far we still need to go to end the battles between race and class even in today’s society. I recommend everyone see this movie, and if you don’t leave there, feeling the need to be better or do better… then a didn’t understand the message it was trying to share….. Enjoy!

WeLoveDates – Guest Post

29 May

Hey Blogger Babies……

So, last week I was asked by one of my bestest besties ever to write a Guest Post for We Love Dates !! I gave it a lot of thought, and after several ideas floated around my head, I decided to put together what MY Top 10 First Date Don’t would be.
For Example (Ladies):  DON’T wear heals you a.) can’t walk in or b.) make you taller than your date.
For the COMPLETE LIST, Click over to WE LOVE DATES and let us know what some of your First Date Don’ts are!
I hope you enjoy!!!

Turntable Tuesday – The EntertainMix

24 May

Hey there Blogger Babies, it’s time again, for Turntable Tuesday.

This week we are going to take a small detour from the norm, and feature our newest member of the Swizzy Land Family. The EntertainMix.

As some of you may already know, The EntertainMix has a new hosting home here on Swizzy Land, which you can find by clicking on the ENTERTAINMIX tab in the navigation bar. For those of you that are new to site or the show. You’re in for a treat!

The EntertainMix is every Tuesday night at 9:00pm PST right here on Swizzy Land and hosted by the very funny G.I. and J.Maine.

With the new marriage between Swizzy Land and the EntertainMix, you will also get a double dose of our weekly Turntable Tuesday featured artists, now not only being able to read about them here, but also with a live on air interview with the artist of the week, and a sampling of their most recent tracks.

G.I. and J.Maine not only will be bringing you the hottest songs out right now, but also a plethora of entertaining and sometimes useless comedic news and commentary to today’s current and not so current events.  This is NOT just a some boring radio show either, it’s the hottest, most entertaining interactive ball busting, laugh out loud 90 minutes  you’ll experience all week long.

Make sure you tune in TONIGHT at 9:00pm PST – RIGHT HERE on SWIZZY LAND.

I promise, you’ll be back next week for more!

WHOA! Wednesday ~ OhMiBod Giveaway [CLOSED]

20 Apr

This Giveaway is Now Closed


OhMiBod – Feel The Music

Hey Blogger Babies, I haven’t done a giveaway in awhile, and the amazing people at OhMiBod have been so generous to me, and I want to share it with you! We all know that diamonds are a girls’ best friend… well here’s your opportunity to win girls’ 2nd best friend! This friend has SEVEN (7) preset vibrations and the ability to sync with your iPhone, iPod, Blackberry or MP3 Media player to vibrate to the beat of your favorite songs! It’s pleasure at any beat you choose!!

This is no ordinary giveaway, you really don’t have to anything challenging. So here it is…. tell me what you think the best song to use with your OhMiBod would be and why. All the songs will be put in a drawing and the two songs that are drawn will WIN! That easy!!! You may submit multiple songs to increase your chances of winning, there is not a limit on the number of songs you can submit. You can submit your entries by emailing me directly at SWIZZYSAYS@GMAIL.COM

Here are the TWO prizes! First is the OhMiBod Freestyle G (pink)

The second prize is an OhMiBod NaughtiBod (purple)



3/19/2011 – SuperMoon

18 Mar

Today I read and article in the Huffington Post regarding tomorrow night’s full moon. This full moon is going to be very different then the full moon we are used to seeing. Saturday’s full moon will be a supermoon.

A supermoon is a new or full moon that happens to coincide with a close approach of the moon to the earth. Saturday’s full moon will be the closest it has been to Earth in 18 years, according to

The distance between the Earth and the moon during the event will be about 221,567 miles, as compared to the average distance of 238,000 miles, according to

That may not seem like much of a difference (and compared to the distance it’s not), but the diameter of the moon is only 2,159 miles. That means the moon will be over 7.5 diameters closer to Earth than average.

Also check out, my previous post about the “Effects of a Full Moon on the Body”. Especially if you’ve been wondering why you’ve been feeling slightly off today. I promise there is some interesting information, that could explain the unexplainable.


Girls Guide to March Madness

17 Mar

You’ve Got Mail

10 Mar

What does your email say about you?

Beyond Ridiculous, but thank you Huffington Post for the free entertainment, and realization that you are paying people to waste a lot of useful time, running retarded polls, and writing BS articles! (I’m just sayin)

It can’t be denied that people will judge you based on the email service you choose–whether it be Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail or AOL. Hunch, a web app that provides specialized recommendations, surveyed a group of their users to see which characteristics defined users of different webmail providers.

As you might expect, most Hunch users are on Gmail. And when it comes to tech savvy, Gmail users are ahead of the curve: 66 percent of them “love” gadgets and gizmos, compared to 42 percent of AOL users and 47 percent of Hotmail and Yahoo users. And 31 percent of Gmail-ers are early adopters of new technologies at about twice the rates of the others–47 percent of these Hunch Gmail users are also on Twitter.

Quick takeaways: Gmail users are the only ones who tend to be men (and perhaps related, to prefer salty snacks to sweet) and to prefer being “entrepreneurial” rather than working on a team. They are also the only users who tend to be politically liberal. On the other hand, AOL users are the only one of the bunch to classify themselves as unmitigatedly optimistic.

Here’s a handy guide from Hunch, based on their results for users of different email servers.

AOL: users are most likely to be overweight women ages 35-64 who have a high school diploma and are spiritual, but not religious. They tend to be politically middle of the road, in a relationship of 10+ years, and have children. AOL users live in the suburbs and haven’t traveled outside their own country. Family is their first priority. AOL users mostly read magazines, have a desktop computer, listen to the radio, and watch TV on 1-3 DVRs in their home. At home, they lounge around in sweats. AOL users are optimistic extroverts who prefer sweet snacks and like working on a team.

Gmail: users are most likely to be thin young men ages 18-34 who are college-educated and not religious. Like other young Hunch users, they tend to be politically liberal, single (and ready to mingle), and childless. Gmail users live in cities and have traveled to five or more countries. They’re career-focused and plugged in — they mostly read blogs, have an iPhone and laptop, and listen to music via MP3s and computers (but they don’t have a DVR). At home, they lounge around in a t-shirt and jeans. Gmail users prefer salty snacks and are introverted and entrepreneurial. They are optimistic or pessimistic, depending on the situation.

Hotmail users are most likely to be young women of average build ages 18-34 (and younger) who have a high school diploma and are not religious. They tend to be politically middle of the road, single, and childless. Hotmail users live in the suburbs, perhaps still with their parents, and have traveled to up to five countries. They mostly read magazines and contemporary fiction, have a laptop, and listen to music via MP3s and computers (but they don’t have a DVR). At home, Hotmail users lounge around in a t-shirt and jeans. They’re introverts who prefer sweet snacks and like working on a team. They consider themselves more pessimistic, but sometimes it depends on the situation.

Yahoo!: users are most likely to be overweight women ages 18-49 who have a high school diploma and are spiritual, but not religious. They tend to be politically middle of the road, in a relationship of 1-5 years, and have children. Yahoo! users live in the suburbs or in rural areas and haven’t traveled outside their own country. Family is their first priority. They mostly read magazines, are almost equally likely to have a laptop or desktop computer, listen to the radio and cds, and watch TV on 1-2 DVRs in their home. At home, Yahoo! users lounge around in pajamas. They’re extroverts who prefer sweet snacks and like working on a team. Yahoo! users are optimistic or pessimistic, depending on the situation.


Bar Etiquette

24 Feb

We all have been in a bar a time or two that has been extremely crowded. We’ve all also probably been in that same crowded bar, and had to wait in line behind  that one person who is so indecisive about what they want, or doesn’t know the name of the drink they want, or wants something so obscure the bartender needs to ask, “well what’s in that?” and the idiot who ordered it, never knows what’s actually in the “Foo-Foo” drinks they order, all of this causing for those of us who order the same thing, every time we go out, and are consistent and confident in our alcoholic needs to be annoyed and slowed down.

Allow me to share with you a few of my principles of good bar etiquette, or what I also like to refer to as “BAR COMMON SENSE”

Be Ready:Pay attention to your surroundings.  The bartender is VERY busy and when they make eye contact with you Be Ready to tell them what you want, this will make their life easier and yours.  Remember, communication with the bartender is very important… ESPECIALLY, if you plan on going back from a 2nd round.

Speak Loud & Clearly: Okay, Bars, Clubs, Venues… they are…. (wait for it) LOUD! Speak clearly and loudly to the bartender so that not only do they hear you the first time, but you’re not wasting a lot of time, going “huh, what was that?”

Rules of Engagement: It is NEVER, and I repeat NEVER well received for you to point, click, wave, or shout at the bartender to get their attention, NOR is it acceptable to pound or knock on the bar top. They are well aware that you are there.  Be patient, it’s busy, it’s crowded, and all you’re going to do, is get yourself worked up, and cause for a negative experience.

Don’t Liter: Bar napkins, straws, stir-stix, toothpicks, fruit swords, salt/pepper shakers, condiments, etc. all have a purpose. They are not for you to tear up into tiny pieces or pour out on the table or the floor. You wouldn’t do that dumb shit at home, why the hell would you think that it’s acceptable to do in public. You’re an adult, act like it.

The “T” Word: Tipping…. Okay, tipping is a tricky topic, but if your server or bartender was engaging, treated you well, made your drinks to your liking. TIP THEM! They literally make like $3.00 an hour to deal with drunk buffoons all night long, they have done more than enough to earn your tip, I’m sure of it. I know, I know… tipping is considerably different across the country and world and even cultures, but in my opinion, where I’m from and being someone who has paid their dues to the bar world, anything less than 20% you deserve to be kicked in the shin. I’m just saying.

So, what have you learned here on the Swizz today? Be nice to bartenders; Be respectful to the people around you in the bar; Know what you want before you stand at the bar and look like a fool; and TIP THE BAR STAFF! I hope you all keep these things in mind as you head out for the weekend…



Cuteness Overload

5 Jan

Jersey Shore – Season 3

5 Jan

Alright, don’t judge me…. but “Jersey Shore” is a complete train wreck, that I can’t turn off…. I”m addicted!!!! I’m entirely too excited that the Season 3 premier is this week. I know, I know (yo lo se) I’m a grown adult, not some tween girl, I shouldn’t be watching this ridiculousness, but I can’t help it! I’m in love with the retarded entertainment, this show brings me…. Bring on the Juice Head Guidos, Grenades, Landminds, and drunken debauchery!!!